Practice, training and project management
Sinnergiak Social Innovation seeks to wide competencies on people and the learning in the organizations trhough the practices, training and management of project in innovative spaces of learning on social innovation.
The culture of innovation demands the existance of spaces to develop human and social capital by promoting knowledge. this way, innovation and learning culture is built thoogh strategies, procesess and mechanisms that foster its implementation.
At the same time, innovation requires of new competencies on people. these new competencies are learnt and experienced through multidiciplinaries team works that adapt to new scenarios, analising and summarizing information and moreover through the pratical application of knowledge.
Sinnergiak social innovation manages the coordination, evaluation and implementation of workshops and sessions in which new methodologies are applied. participants improve their competencies suc as: information management, efficient communication, creativity, motivation, among others.

Development of a learning workshop
The workshops are organized responding to needs, motivations and expected outputs sseking for a levering between:
- Participating people. The selection of participants anwers to some criteria such as: hetereogenety, gender and age.
- The outline of the sessions. The workshops are implemented through 4 peoples teams that work on a given challenge. in order to achieve a good solution to the challenge, sinnergiak social innovation applies methodologies such as, cycle for the design of innovations; learning by doing or solving problems.
- The role of the facilitator. The facilitator supports all the processes looking for a solution and the improvement of the competencies.
Developing the workshops, two objectives are achieved:
- Solving the challenge of the organization by putting together different people.
- Improving the competencies of participating people and the impact in the organization.
All the workshops are evaluated through an experimental model (ex-ante and ex-post assesment) in which 4 key dimmension are taking into account:
- Level of social capital
- Level of development of competencies (techical, entrepreneurial and basics)
- Experience and personal path
- Future expectatives
Besides, a third criteria on relational capital is included, that is, the evaluation of the solicitor organization, which values the quality of the proposed solutions.