Noticias Innovación Social, Talleres //

Conference-workshop on “Culture and creativity, indicators for Social Innovation”

On the 13th of March 2014, Sinnergiak took part in the Conference-Workshop organised by Enocult-Valencia University, entitled “Culture and Creativity, indicators for social innovation”.


The conference, which was opened by Salomé Reillo, the director of Inndea, was attended by Javier Castro Spila, the Coordinator of the Research Centre of Sinnergiak Social Innovation (UPV/EHU). Castro presented the conceptualisation and methodology of the Resindex (Regional Social Innovation Index) and Urbansindex (Urban Social Innovation Index) proposals. These projects make it possible to measure social innovation activities in urban ecosystems.

The main objective of the workshop was to connect cultural and creative learning in the region with an assessment of their impact in relation to social innovation.

The conference was organised as part of the European MED 3C4 Incubators project and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness’s INNOVA R&D project and was designed to continue with the research from the SOSTENUTO project, focusing on culture and creativity as elements of social and economic innovation.