Gipuzkoa Workplace Innovation 2015 was a project aimed primarily at Workplace Innovation in organizations that were located in the territory.
The project, designed by Sinnergiak Social Innovation (UPV/EHU), was carried out with the support of the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa through the Department of Innovation, Rural Development and Tourism, within the framework of the Programme for the Promotion of a socially responsible region.
The main aim of this project involved contributing to the improvement and quality of jobs, based on the results obtained in the conceptualization of workplace innovations, case studies and the transfer and dissemination of innovations in the companies of Gipuzkoa.
Explanatory Video
Phase 1
The first phase of the project included the characterization of the conceptual, methodological and procedural definitions on Workplace Innovation for the generation of new business models of shared value. Moreover, through the study, the main analytical dimensions in Workplace Innovation were defined, and the main methodological criteria to be used during the project were elaborated.
Phase 2
The purpose of this research phase was to carry out a study for the analysis of the Workplace Innovation concept, its use and the good practices in the companies of Gipuzkoa, based on the organizational size (employment ratios), economic activity and regional disaggregation.
Phase 3
The Intervention phase focused on the identification of case studies on Workplace Innovations in the companies of Gipuzkoa. Intervention in the organizations was carried out from a qualitative dimension, and supported by international teams.
Phase 4
Dissemination and Transparency
Gipuzkoa Workplace Innovation 2015 sought to capitalize on the results of the research project and its dissemination. It was a transfer of knowledge and workplace innovation practices from a territorial and international dimension.