Source: European Commission & OECD, 2019.
The better entrepreneurship policy tool is a free online self-assessment and learning tool for policymakers and other stakeholders on inclusive and social entrepreneurship policies and programmes. It was launched by the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
This tool contains modules on supporting women, the youth, migrants and the unemployed in business creation. It includes:
- Self-assessment questionnaires;
- Policy guidance notes and inspiring case studies.
The better entrepreneurship policy tool focuses on self-assessments about the current inclusive and social entrepreneurship policies and programmes in cities, regions or countries.
The assessment is based on two approaches:
Inclusive entrepreneurship
Inclusive entrepreneurship policies and programmes aim to ensure that all people, regardless of their personal characteristics and background, have an equal opportunity to start and run their own businesses.
There are four versions of the self-assessment tool for each of the target groups: e.g. women, youth, the unemployed and migrants.
Social entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship focuses on social enterprises, which aim to have a specific social impact through their economic activities. These enterprises can support local development and social cohesion, and they might need specific support measures and other enabling conditions.
The assessment includes seven modules with thought-provoking question statements, covering different action areas within the social entrepreneurship ecosystem.
The better entrepreneurship policy tool is now available in the 24 official languages of the EU.
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