Last March 1st an Ideas Generation Workshop on Social Innovation and Active Ageing was held at Sinnergiak Social Innovation ( University of the Basque Country).

The session, organised by Sinnergiak Social Innovation within the SIC project, was presented under the title “How can Social Innovation contribute to the greater people leading more active and healthy lives through the development of new policies of active ageing?”. The aim of the session was to identify the diversity of ideas and tools that may contribute to improve health and active ageing, through an open debate and answering the following questions:

  • What is the meaning of leading of a healthy and active life for the greater people?
  • How can we empower greater people to, from inclusion and participation, improve the policies on active ageing?
  • How can we get older in a better way?
  • How can we create new meeting spaces for the sharing of new actions addressed to tackle the above mentioned issues?

The workshop was divided into two main sections: in the first one, participants had the opportunity to know more about social innovation and the development of social policies as well as about strategic challenges of  Active Ageing Policies in the Basque Country; in the second one, participants were encourage to participate in three round tables to debate about three main topics, these are:

Round Table 1. Awareness.

Round Table 2. Enpowerment

Round Table 3. Well-being and health care

The participants of the sessions came from a great diversity of agents as:

  • Donostia- Sasn Sebastian City Council
  • Matia Foundation
  • Red Cross Gipuzkoa
  • Nagusilan
  • Federpen
  • Secot
  • Sargi

Social Innovation Community Project 

This activity was organized within the Social Innovation Community (SIC) project funded by the European Union through the H2020 Program. This project is conformed by 12 European organizations, being Sinnergiak one of them, and has as main goal “to create the net of networks/ organizations linked to social innovations” in different fields: immigration, sustainability, ageing, poverty, inequality… SIC project wants to strengthen  the existing networks by creating new relationships and incorporating new actors to the scope of social innovation. The purpose of this initiative is to build a community of politics, experts, civil servants, social entrepreneurs…in order to foster social innovations and, at the same time, share knowledge and experiences based on good practices which may help to the development of public policies at European, regional and local level.

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