Noticias Innovación en las Formas de Trabajo, Proyectos Innovación en las Formas de Trabajo //

Public policies to stimulate, resource and sustain workplace innovation: European evidence and experience

Last 11 and 12th May, Sinnergiak Social Innovation participated together with the Director of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, in a roundtable meeting in London, organized by the University of Nottingham. The roundtable was attended by policymakers of the Basque Country, Finland, Germany, France, Belgium and Scotland. They met to discuss the different Europen, national and regional innovation policies in the work context.
Antton Tomasena, Director of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, presented the latest developments in Gipuzkoa, as the draft provincial law that encourages the participation of working people in the business, and that includes positive measures to promote the participation of women.
Egoitz Pomares of Sinnergiak Social Innovation (UPV / EHU), was in charge of presenting the project’s progress Gipuzkoa Workplace Innovation, initiated and promoted by the Department of Economic Development, Rural Development and Territorial Balance of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. The project is currently developing the second phase process along with 11 Gipuzkoa companies in the development of workplace innovation.
The results of the meeting in the UK will be presented in September in Brussels, within the closure activities of the European research project Workage.
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Rountable Programme

Gipuzkoa Workplace Innovation – ENG from SINNERGIAK Social innovation on Vimeo.